Sunday, June 25, 2006


An army of imprisoned tears escaped
I think every last one marched out
I hope I'm right
I know I'm wrong

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Damn straight!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Tales from the crypt

You know how toddlers throw huge ass fits?
Fists clenching, heads banging, tears rolling, blood curdling screaming, toys smashing?
Five minutes later they're insanely happy again right?

I just tried it. I must report that the end result was slightly different.

My mascara smudged, my voice took a hike...along with my dignity. My brain cells are in a coma. I threw out my back, body parts I didn't know existed are swelling.
I'd pour myself a drink right about now but all the glasses are decorating the new *trashed ala chic* look the house is sporting. Maybe I'll straighten it up tomorrow... or burn it.

Oh well, dont you have to try everything at least once?
You know...just in case the end result is insane happiness.

*Yawn* tonight's ramble has come to an end... besides I have to go answer the door for the cops.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fashion Today

I bought a book, and not just any book, a book the size of a small building!
It's full of fashionable, flamboyant, vain photographs.
I have a bit of a crush on it but shhhh....