Friday, March 31, 2006


...Rice, get off your lazy ass and make another album already, for the sake of my emotional growth, dude....we're dying here!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sarcastic? Moi?

I don't read self-help books, I have a problem with authority, people/books telling me what to do.
But..if anyone has these titles feel free to send them my way.

1. So you're an idiot! 961 ways to continue being an idiot but without anyone noticing, you lil wanker.

2. Pride: The root of all self-preservation. Put out the fire with dynamite!

3.Blogging! How to stop posting random nonsense.

Oh and...

4. Cocktails! 24 fab drinks, one for every hour of the day.

Thank you kindly = )

Monday, March 27, 2006


excuse me
but i just have to explode
explode this body
off me

i'll be brand new
brand new tomorrow
a little bit tired
but brand new


Sometimes you see a side of yourself that you really hate.

What sucks is when someone you love also sees that side.

And all you wanted was to prove that you actually are worth being loved.

But you fail....