Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pagan Poetry (<- click)

I adore this video. Intense. Beautiful. Perfect.

(If you are offended by a bit of nudity and needles...well, I feel sorry for you ; )

Friday, May 26, 2006


It's interesting how I don't post about all the important things that happen in my life.

In the last few months I've gone to festivals, concerts, met amazing people, and rather surprisingly even put some order to at least some of the crucial yet ignored ideas that have been floating around in my mind for oh shall we say, the best part of the last few years.

But have I posted about any of it? Nope. Zero. Nada. I dare say I'm not cut out for blogging. I'm just not an open enough kinda girl...that or I'm plain ol'lazy.
But for some odd reason I haven't said Sayonara...so if any of you still want to read what kind of silliness I can come up with, but which actually is really of no particular importance, you are more than welcome. (Yes, I know, how very generous of me. )

Randomness part un:
Loxy fady of http://www.loxyfady.com/ fame , is a good stranger to write long-assed letters to. And the best part about it is, she actually sends long ones back in return, which is surprising cuz usually I get one-liners back, you know... of the "Get a life" sort.

Randomness part deux:
How beautiful is the last track on Bowie's album *Low* ? If your opinion is different than mine... well uh, I dont care what you think OK?!!

Randomness part trois:
Someone recently called me uber retarded. I liked it. I liked it alot.

Randomness part quatre:
Yes, I googled the spellings of the french numbers....