Monday, September 19, 2005


There used to be a time when a ball was announced months before the event and the guests obsessed and counted the minutes, till the day finally arrived.
A time where dining in the local restaurant/taverna/diner with your friends lasted for hours.
A time where when soldiers were at war the country they left behind would be in a state of mourning and people would rejoice in the streets when the war was over.
A time when people wept(or celebrated) when their leaders passed away.
A time when a single kiss was worthy of a play.
A time when you would be elated to receive a handwritten letter from a friend or lover.

Is it just me or have our attention spans gone down to the size of a peanut?

We expect everything to be done immediately. We get annoyed when our means of transportation is late, when it takes more than 5 minutes for the waiter to serve us or when a link on the internet doesn't appear in 1 second.
We think the world has ended when our date doesn't try to kiss us on a first date, or god forbid he doesn't call us in 36 hours or was it 48?

We watch the news and we are reminded of the current events, sometimes we are outraged, sometimes we cry, on rare occasions we laugh. For the most part we sleep quite soundly that night.
Its not like we are completely insensitive. We are still concerned about the wars, the catastrophes, the crimes but they don't really haunt us.
We have become so used to the media overload that indeed, we do voice our concerns,but do they truly affect our day to day lives?

I'm not saying that I'd like to go back to waiting indefinitely for all the above things, Im just amazed at my intolerance to do so.
Truth be said, I am happy to be part of this modern age. At the same time I cant help but wonder if the world we live in has become a lot less passionate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy is that the truth!

5:23 PM  
Blogger athenianstyle said...

Yeah....I was gonna write a post dedicated to Jonny Depp's hottness but decided to post something "deep" for a change:)

7:13 PM  

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